
As with many spiritual practitioners, the shaman understands that one has to put more than just intention into one's evolution. It seems for most people the desire to expand to grow, and to move forward is a natural one. Transformation is sometimes born from dreams and hopes, often from pain and struggle and our soul beckons us onward.

As a shaman I see the unfolding of the transformation. The longing and desire to respond to the soul's call, the inspiration and influence of the guides, the coming together of the energies that surround and support us all taking part in the formation of the "medicine" necessary for the next step along the path. The seeds are planted, but the nurturing needs to take place for the growth to occur.

Bringing all this together, whether through ritual, practice and ceremony, and applying it with intention the manifestation begins. Intention is of the mind. We need to do more than just think about how we want things to be different in our life. Action is directed by the energies and the guides. When we engage this action with our intention then the shifts begin to occur. These changes are not always what we anticipated. They are sometimes quite challenging, especially as we break out of our comfort zone. Often times they are questioned by those around us, as we approach our day to day relationships and tasks from a different perspective. But they are necessary.

Evolving into our most Soul Self needs the combination of the two factors; thought and action. We all know how thinking about a new cleaner way of eating does not make it happen. We need to make healthier food choices, change our cooking methods, or perhaps alter the quantities that we eat. Just thinking about it, talking about it and wanting it or intending it...does not make it happen. The evolution is not complete. So it is with our soul work.

Whatever we are seeking to change, to grow, to release or to embrace of our self on a spiritual level requires us to listen closely to the direction of our soul. That intuitive voice that challenges you, that inspiring thought that tugs at you, those dreams that you have where you see your new self doing or being what you are hoping for...all these are thought activators and change making moments for you to adopt.

Shamanism brings together the beauty of the possibilities of evolving to our soul. It supports the bridge between intention and evolution by bringing together the thoughts with the energies, the inspiration with the guides and the dreams to the reality.

Blessings, Lisa

Silently Changing

After a recent conversation with a client I found myself reflecting on the different ways in which change enters our lives. It can run the spectrum from chaotic and loud to subtle and silent. I think there are times when we are in the place of silent change that we wonder if anything is happening at all. I think there are times when we worry we are stalled, not doing enough, lost or failing to move forward. But more often than not, great change is happening in the many layers that make us who we are, but in a very gentle and quiet sort of way.

So much of our changes in life require us to take action. We ponder what we need to embrace, what we need to release, what we are calling into our live or who we should interact with. But then there are those times when change seems to occur without little to no action taken by us. We are often awestruck. Did this change just gracefully move through our path and surround us?

The miracle of change occurs on so many levels. Our egoic self believes that we are the main cause of the active unfolding of our days, yet on a soul level the energies are in a continuum of shift, ebb and flow. It is in these realms that our thoughts do not need to interfere, our clumsy actions do not get in the way and our authentic truth steps forward to manifest what is needed next. There is magic in the silent changes as the Universe responds to our needs.

The power in this silent change comes from our trusting. Learning to let go of control and expectations. Being willing to trust in our guides, our connection to Source and our innate wisdom. Silently these beautiful powers are not in need of our intellectual direction as they are guided by our truths, our passions, our callings and our higher self.

So the next time you are wondering why there seems to be a lull. Relax, trust, and wait. Silently, within the wondrous layers that make you YOU, there is plenty happening. And all of it is bringing you to the exact place in time that aligns all that needs to be for you to make the most of your life and you truth.

Blessings, Lisa



Some people spend their days learning more about others than themselves. It is true. For many, it is blindness, avoidance or hesitancy. It is challenging to dig deep and bring our awareness to who we are and why. It is challenging to find our patterns and to question if they serve our higher good or not.

To learn who we really are, beneath the roles and labels placed upon us, beneath other's expectations and even our own, we need to become aware. How do we do this? We pay attention. We listen to the messages of our body, from our soul, and within our heart. We also have to learn to watch ourselves in action, day by day, relationship by relationship and note the patterns to our reactions, the needs we fill, the responses we make and the things we shun.

So much of what we do in life is out of habit. We do it without giving it much thought. For the most part this serves us well. Who wants to give full concentration to putting on our socks or wiping down a counter. But what about the parts of our day that we are on autopilot and we would benefit from bringing more awareness to? Examples would be how we react to our child complaining, the time we spend eating a meal, the critical voices we listen to in our head or the way we receive a compliment.

Habitual behavior and patterns can keep us stuck in life. It is not until we become aware of how they are doing that and decide to change them that we see things begin to shift in our lives. When we make a conscious decision to change and do or approach something differently we alter the energies around us. People may react differently to us. Obstacles seem to move out of the way. We find solutions where we thought there were none.

Change can also be unnerving. The tried and true is comfortable. Doing something new feels risky. We can feel unsettled by the change. That is why being gentle and approaching this slowly, checking in with our self and listening to its needs is important.

With practice and patience we become the author of our story and step aside from the labels and roles that we do not want upon us. We live a life that is authentic to us. We call in our desires and act upon them. We let go of things we no longer identify with and have only been carrying around out of habit. Life becomes freer and feels much more in alignment with our heart and soul's callings.

Blessings, Lisa

The Artist Within The Chaos


There is a quote by Nietzsche that I so understand and appreciate, "One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." I love finding the creative energies of thinking and living outside of the box. I love the challenges and newness that is found there. It is where I grow. There is an abundance of wonderful to be found there!

So much of our day is organized, scheduled and planned. We fall quickly into habits and patterns. Some that serve us, but some just because it is comfortable and familiar there. Sometimes these habits and patterns keep us from exploring and wondering. They can limit us from experiencing life fully.

Whenever I begin to feel a bit stuck or a bit disappointed in the way my life is flowing I stir up a bit of chaos. I begin to rid my life of aspects that no longer serve it. They may have made sense at one time, but when it is time to be rid of something...it is time. I also begin to seek new and fresh perspectives. I have "what if" conversations with people whose opinion I value and with myself. This helps my mind stretch a bit and my soul dances through with its creative juices. The depth of my soul's resources goes beyond time. It reaches into a universal resource of opportunities and a vast scope of energy.  I challenge the many possibilities. I expand the simplest of idea and build upon it. I recall dreams and see them as reality.

When life becomes too routine, I order up a dose of chaos. I live outrageous dreams. I step outside of the normal habit or expected thought. I awaken my inner artist and bring new colors into the picture. I try out new theories and practices. Creativity blossoms within the chaos and a freshness gets added to my life.

Blessings, Lisa