Sacred Kitchen Alchemy

How do you honor your body temple? How do you listen to your body's messages? In what ways do you bring your spirituality into your kitchen? Do you prepare your foods thinking about the energies that they will bring to your body, mind and soul? Perhaps it is time to bring sacred kitchen alchemy into your home.

What is sacred kitchen alchemy? It is a way of recognizing that every item of food we eat contains essential energies. Understanding these energies and how they can serve us is the everyday magic we have access to. Understanding that eating mindfully is about far more than counting calories. It is about choosing foods that serve our body well. It is about intention setting. It is about recognizing that eating seasonally insures we are getting the most nutrition that food item can offer us. As we learn to listen to our body and soul's needs, we then can respond accordingly.

Sacred kitchen alchemy is also about bringing some of your spiritual practices into your kitchen. Ritual is a part of our day already. We celebrate with food during holidays and on special occasions. But making the "ordinary" days special with ritual brings a mindfulness to our meals. We can honor ancestors, celebrate the season, invoke certain energies, awaken our senses with different plant spirit energies through spices and vibrant produce and more.

Color magic is an important aspect of sacred kitchen alchemy as well. Every color offers us its own unique energies. Knowing what these are, we can make food choices to generate these energies within and we can decorate our tables in specific colors to create that energy as well. There are so many possibilities.

The season and the phases of the moon can be celebrated and explored  in sacred kitchen alchemy. Recognizing these and incorporating their celebrations brings a new awareness to our food preparation and meal choices. Each moon honors a new cycle, each season an new phase and our bodies respond in harmony.

We often find ourselves in a rut when it comes to mealtime. Or in our busy lives we find we make poor choices when it come to honoring our body through food. Bringing an awareness to our meals, our food preparation and our body, mind and soul's needs creates a relationship with the sacred and cooking. Delight, honor, intention and wonder can be a part of what is often looked at as ordinary and mundane.

To learn more about Sacred Kitchen Alchemy and to join in an upcoming 4 week program, beginning March 8th, visit

Blessings, Lisa

Finding Your True North Food

We all understand that the food we eat fuels our body. We have some understanding that making "healthy" choices will help our body work better. We understand that the quality of the food we eat has an impact on how we feel.

But do we know that there is so much more to the body's relationship with food? Do we understand the body, the mind and the soul are impacted by our food choices. If we can agree that EVERYTHING in life is made up of energy, and this fact has been scientifically proven...Google it, then the energy we are consuming will have a direct relationship to the energy that we ARE!

Finding your true north is about finding YOUR way. Not that of the person sitting next to you or someone whose book you have read about their path or their choices. We are all incredibly, beautifully unique. That means our energies are unique and one of a kind. What works for me in regards to my relationship with food may not work for you. Our bodies are sending each of us their own personal messages.

How we listen to those messages, what we do with that information and how we invest in this relationship will be what has the most dramatic impact on your body, your mind and your soul connection. The one thing I have learned over time is that many people have a hard time "hearing" these messages and an even harder time interpreting them. It is an intimate connection between the foods we eat and how they serve our body. Finding the balance that is right for one person will be a terrible imbalance for another.

Then there is the whole aspect of understanding the energies to be found in the foods we eat. You can imagine that the energies of a beautiful bowl of fresh seasonal fruit is going to be quite different than that of a cupcake. Tuning into these energies, seeking what our body needs in the moment, what our mind and soul are seeking is all part of the equation. There are times when that cupcake are extremely important and satisfying and brings the "just right" energy to our body! Just as there are times when the bowl of fruit is the optimal choice.

Over the past several years I have developed a lovely relationship with my body and food. I have learned to listen to the messages. I have shifted my thinking about good versus bad foods. I have delighted my soul with powerful unique energies that keep me balanced and vibrant and alive! I have shared this understanding with many. Over time Finding Your True North Food was born.

Everyone can have a balanced and satisfying relationship with their body and food. Every relationship will be different. Learning how to nurture this relationship, to understand it, to keep it sound and balanced is an important aspect of our well being; body, mind and soul.

Blessings, Lisa