The Gift of Slowing Down

I live in Connecticut and we are on the back end of the big storm, Blizzard of 2015. While it did not impact us as badly as the weather people had forecast we surely got our share of snow, at least a foot or more, and the high winds that howled through the night.

Upon waking this morning, the beauty that awaited me outside was breathtaking. And my soul soared at the thought of a unquestionable slow day. Obviously Mother Nature had gifted me with this delight. With no cars allowed on Connecticut roads, the driveway with drifts rising to three feet and the snow still coming down I headed back to the warmth of a hot cup of coffee and got ready to settle in.

Most days, life is full and busy. While I pay close attention to the natural rhythms of my day and my life, there is a certain outer influence that is dictated by schedules, clients, calendars and the like. But today, all that is placed aside.

Today will be a day of a long walk in the silence that freshly fallen snow brings. Today will be the chance to sit by the fire, favorite book in hand and cat curled at my feet. Today will be hot soup for lunch with fresh corn bread from the oven.

Today will also be a day of reflection. A beautiful opportunity to bring my focus on the moment. To bring deliberate intention to what I am engaged in this winter season. It will be a day to pause and really appreciate the abundance in my life, the beauty that surrounds me and to bring calming energies to my intentions and dreams.

Blessings, Lisa

Taking Time

Fast paced! That is what the world's energy feels like of late. Hurrying from one task to the next, quickly completing one goal only to set another. Rushing through the experiences of life so that we can get to the next. And we miss so very, very much.

It is easy to get pulled into the flow of this energy. We find ourselves overwhelmed, frustrated, unfulfilled and exhausted. Fast forward does not work well for most of us. It forces us to cram life's moments one on top of the next, without the full rich experience, without the opportunity to enjoy, witness or receive all that is within them.

We ignore our natural rhythms and take on a pace that is set by some unseen force that does not align with our energies. Eventually, this all comes to a screeching stop as our body complains, our mind stresses and our soul aches.

When we slow down and take the time we become more mindful and observant. We are much more present and aware. We find lessons and gifts in the moments of our life. We witness the beauty of others and all that surrounds us. We experience joy and love; two energies that thrive in the gentleness of pleasurable luxury, unmeasured time and open possibilities.

We become aligned and restore our own personal balance. Tasks still demand our attention, but we discover we are better at completing them. We recognize that our hurried state can only serve us for so long before we are just a speeding reckless being that is quickly burning out.

Abandoning the frenzied pace that is so readily presented to us gives us the chance to find our own pace that is comfortable, agreeable and keeps us in our power and in our grace. We can consciously choose when we need to amp up our energies, but it certainly does not need to be something we give our control over to. Living at our own pace, taking time to be present and engaged, we find brings abundance to our moments that fuel us for the long and steady as well as the quick and demanding.

Blessings, Lisa

Do You Remember?

Do you remember who you really are? Not the labels that your family has placed upon you. Not the roles you fall into with your peers and friends. Not the person you wish you could be or weren't. Do you remember who you really are?

Let me help you. Get quiet, get still. Breathe in the memory of a time when you felt immensely connected to the space, the time, the people around you. You felt authentic. You felt whole. You felt peace, grace, joy. You felt free. You could just be. You were awake. You were vibrant. You were hungry and satisfied. You were knowing and inquisitive. You were giving and receiving.

You soul was in the forefront of the moment. You were not allowing your emotions to lead you. You were not lost in your thoughts. You were present and engaged. You knew who you were. You recognized your truth. You embraced your gifts. You used your voice. You were at ease with your silence. You moved with intention and you flowed with integrity. You remembered.

When we remember who we are we find that many things are aligning in our life. Our spiritual path is leading us to personal connections that bring wonder to our days. Our soul encourages us to practice compassion and patience. It invites us to embrace gratitude and appreciation. We explore and find miracles. We rest and find grace.

The Universe will continue to give us clues as to who we truly are. It will afford us opportunities to step fully into our authenticity. It will grant us all the possibilities of what can be. We simply need to show up, be open and remain connected. Connection to Source, to one another and to life becomes the life line to who we truly are. It provides us the the means to remember our purpose and to follow our call. Our soul's work becomes our breath throughout each moment of the day.

Blessings, Lisa

The Soul Will Guide


I recently was guided by my soul to explore a new tool to use in my shamanic practice. I was working with a client who was suffering emotionally and unable to let go of the pain. The fear of what was behind the pain was a place she could not visit in her state of agitation and suffering. I knew her soul was seeking healing. I knew it was ready to become whole once again.

My service to her was to try and find a way to bring her soul to this new state of being, to help in the healing of the wound, and to find peace. I opened myself up to my soul's wisdom, trusting that it would guide me. I found a comfortable flowing energy waiting for me to move in.

I picked up my drum; my long trusted friend that had often helped me in my healing, my grounding and my releasing.  I drummed matching her breathing which gradually began to be more controlled and slower, and so the drum beat responded in kind. Then within my being I felt her energy, I felt it filling the room, I felt it flowing and rising, ebbing and flowing.

Song rose from within me, tones and notes building with each drumbeat and vibrations wove their way through. Swaying in the flow of the energy this soul song rose from my being and filled the room. Gentle tones of healing were released. Heartfelt notes of peace where shared. The room expanded with the energy of the soul's healing.

My client relaxed, tears flowed, peace filled her being, her soul opened up to the healing and became whole once again. The beauty of the moment was larger than the both of us. The energy that was created was timeless. From here her healing would continue, from here her soul could be alive and vibrant, and from here the pain and fear was released.

I still have much to learn of this new tool. I trust my soul will guide me. I am open to its medicine. I am excited to see its power. I am honored to be introduced to it. Little did I know that moment that I picked up my drum what was waiting to become. When we learn to trust our soul, when we allow it to guide us and we are open to the energy of what it brings...magic happens, grace appears and the energies flow.

Blessings, Lisa